Let Girls Learn-Swaziland Follow Up


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Let Girls Learn—Swaziland Follow Up

Last year we started the girls’ education project in Swaziland with one of our artisan groups, Gone Rural. We were able to send our largest check of $10,000 last year. Our team has been busy with Gone Rural in Swaziland and Robin Martini was able to provide follow up on the project to send girls to school beyond sixth grade at .50 cents per day. Primary education is only supported through 6th grade.

Why do we invest in education? Girls education has been directly linked to delayed marriage and reduced HIV transmission, reduced maternal mortality, economic prosperity and reduced childhood deaths under age 5. Women carry 60% of the risk of blindness because of lack of care directly related to economic circumstance and educational opportunity. We support girls because they can be the next generation of inventors in their communities.